At Sofia Vera we craft every garment uniquely upon order. We do not mass produce nor do we stock warehouses full of unsold clothes.
Each Sofia Vera piece is made specifically for their unique owner, to last a lifetime, with timeless style being one of our core philosophies.
Every garment is hand made in ateliers by master artisans, whose highest standards of craftsmanship and passion continuously drive them in the pursuit of excellence.
Only pure silk, organic cotton & lotus flower fabrics are chosen to design our collections. These rare textiles are woven in ateliers whose art dates back more than 5000 years. Sofia Vera takes pride in preserving the craftsmanship of creating the fragile and delicate fibres of the stunning lotus flower, giving rise to a natural fabric of exceptional quality, and unquestionably the most sustainably produced fabric in the world!
The unique designs of our creations play on the perfect pairing of pure silk, organic cotton and the lotus flower.